Thursday, April 23, 2015

A Tender Mercy

Monday, April 13 2015 during dinner GG aspirated on her drink. She was having a difficult time breathing and started to turn blue. An ambulance was called and was taken to the hospital. At the hospital a chest x-ray was taken and it showed that her lungs were clear despite the nasty cough and wheezing she had had for several days. Doctor's tentatively diagnosed her with bronchitis but gave her an antibiotic just in case. During her hospital visit GG was un-responsive. She acted as if she were in a very deep sleep and remained un-responsive despite many attempts to wake her up. Due to her recent illness and not being awake an IV was put in to keep her hydrated.  The following morning a meeting was held between doctors, social workers, hospice, GG Pa and Heather. It was decided that GG was going to be put back on hospice and it was time to bring her home. We all thought that our time with GG was coming to a sudden end. We were told very specifically that if GG remained un-responsive we were not to force her to eat or drink. We didn't want her to aspirate again or have her inhaling food into her lungs.    

Her 1st day home, Wednesday, she began to be more responsive. Still sleeping a lot but more waking moments. On Thursday our family was given a tender mercy. Not only was GG awake but she seemed to be aware of herself and her surroundings. The best part was that she could communicate with us in a way that we could understand. Something that hadn't been done in over a year! 

The following video is just one of the many conversation's had that day. She wasn't always very clear, sometimes we had to guess at what she was saying, our conversation's jumped around quite a bit but we thoroughly enjoyed this time with her. Thank you Heavenly Father for giving us these new memories. 

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